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致敬 “可楽C

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  • 生日1998 年 9 月 19 日
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darckcray 2016-6-8 11:08
master my qq number  http://user.qzone.qq.com/2047802066 plis bro send me the mod pokemon plis master :3
darckcray 2016-4-1 02:39
Hi master how are you :D
darckcray 2016-2-22 08:43
SLcrow: Could you give me your qq number ?
sorry that was not my id :(
darckcray 2016-2-14 23:10
SLcrow: sorry, but it‘s not complete.
Similarly your mods are incredible I could spend a beta or something it is that they look great promise not share it with anyone because I respect your work
darckcray 2016-2-13 08:25
SLcrow: yes, it‘s me
Might upload your mods so great are wonderful :3
darckcray 2015-12-24 22:39
Hi Men :) you creator of mods the pokemon ? is a very cool


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